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Głubczyce Forest


Тип блоку:


    Urząd Miasta Głubczyce
    Niepodległości 14
    48-100 Głubczyce
    провінція: OPOLSKIE

    The forest in Głubczyce has many energy healing properties and is important for city’s tourism and recreation possibilities for its inhabitants.

    It is a small forest complex, covering 1597.5 ha, located North of the city on an almost completely forested Głubczyce Plateau. It encompasses part of the Stradunia catchment area as well as many gullies and ravines. There are various natural forest communities: ash and alder riparian forests, mountain ash riparian forests and a subcontinental mixed deciduous forest (mostly hornbeam and oak trees). Pine forests and mixed forests also take up large areas. The forest in Głubczyce has many energy healing properties and is important for city’s tourism and recreation possibilities for its inhabitants.

    localization-imgсхема проїзду:

    48-100 Głubczyce
    провінція: OPOLSKIE
    Широта і довгота: 50.2003,17.8287