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Educational path - The Kings and Lithuanian Princes's Oaks Track


Тип блоку:
    Type of route
    - Canoeing
    level of difficulty
    - For beginners
    Length of the route
    - 0,5 km


    Nadleśnictwo Białowieża
    Wojciechówka 4
    17-230 Białowieża
    провінція: PODLASKIE

    Educational path - "The Kings and Lithuanian Princes's Oaks Track"

    The path goes along the oaks which are 150-500 years old and are called after Polish and Lithuanian monarchs, who used to hunt in these woods.

    localization-imgсхема проїзду:

    провінція: PODLASKIE
    Широта і довгота: 52.7104,23.6072